Common Tools & Help
Have a question? Rated with a customer service satisfaction of 99.6%, our knowledgeable team of experts is here to help 24/7.
Contact an agent by clicking on the "Chat with an Expert" tab below or call 888.403.2667.
Antivirus Protection
Keep your computer safe and protected with your free download of Trend Micro. The best in Internet security, Trend Micro protects your computer from harmful viruses. Installation is simply by selecting ‘Manage Anti-Virus Software’ through 'My Account' - Go to My Account >
Email Support
Looking for help around your account? You can find a variety of support topics in our Help Center. You'll find helpful information like how to setup your email on an Apple Device or Andriod Device, as well as articles on Filters, Phishing, and much more.
Speed Test
Other Helpful Resources
To report an immediate technical issue regarding closed captioning for your video service, please contact Comporium’s Repair Service by dialing 6-1-1 or the local number for your area.
Written complaints may be dropped off at your local Comporium office; mailed to:
Closed Captioning Coordinator, Regulatory Affairs, PO Box 470, Rock Hill, SC 29731; faxed to: (803) 326-5703; or e-mailed to: [email protected]. (Please note that this email address is for closed captioning issues ONLY.)
If you wish to speak to the Closed Captioning Coordinator, you may call the following toll free number: (877) 355-3253 (please note: this number is only for closed captioning questions or complaints).
Email Configuration Changes: