Stream TV Maintenance


We want to let you know our Stream TV solution provider will be performing maintenance that impacts your service. On Wednesday, October 20, we will be performing required maintenance on Stream TV between the hours of 12 am and 1 pm. During this time, users may experience some changes in their Stream TV experience, but regular service will resume at the end of this service window.

Below are a few items to note:

  1. During the maintenance window, live streaming should continue to work without issue or interruption.
  2. You can pause and rewind live content up to 15 minutes of buffer. Please note, content paused for more than 15 minutes will start running without the capability of pause or rewind. Stopping the viewing session or changing to different content will prevent you from resuming the earlier content until after the maintenance window.
  3. DVR content, VOD content, ReplayTV, or StartOver WILL NOT be available during the maintenance window. Content that is streaming when the window begins will continue to work unless paused for more than 15 minutes. Stopping the viewing session or changing to different content will prevent you from resuming the earlier content until after the maintenance window. These features could take up to 48 hours to resolve after the maintenance widow is completed.
  4. You will not be able to schedule recordings until after the maintenance. Recordings should return after the competition of the work. Some poster art may be blank but should get rectified within 24 hours.
  5. Guide data will show as “TBA” during the maintenance time period. This might take up to 24 hours to resolve after the maintenance widow.
  6. Some previously scheduled recordings might need to be rescheduled after the window is complete. You may want to check that all previously scheduled recordings are still in que for future recordings.

This scheduled maintenance is part of our commitment to bringing you the best television viewing experience possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

If you have questions about the upcoming maintenance period, or your regarding Stream TV, please call us at 888-403-2667.

See What’s On TV Now.